It’s easy to lose track of all of the different document retention periods that exist for the various reasons we might need to provide them one day. It can be likely tempted to shred everything to be done with it and not have to worry about storing them anymore. Still, keeping good records will reduce […]
Social Security is a different experience for every American, but a few aspects are the same. Last year, MassMutual put out a quiz about Social Security and they were surprised at how few people got even a passing grade. Let’s see how you do. True or False:1 Ready for your answers? 1. True; 2. True; […]
Parents have the responsibility of training their children to grow into successful, independent adults. For many parents, talking to kids about money can cause fear or trepidation. One big reason for this is that they don’t believe they know enough about money themselves and fear they will give their children the wrong information. Although discussing […]
Have you ever set a financial goal for yourself with the best of intentions, only to find yourself derailed after a few months? If so, you’re not alone. Just look at how many people start the New Year off with a brand-new gym membership, only to stop going after a few months or even weeks. […]
While a will is a far more complicated document than a note, leaving a will for your family is not only a considerate move on your part; it may prevent your family from dealing with several hurdles and complications after your eventual passing. It’s a good idea to think carefully about making a plan for […]
Preparing a strategy that is both advantageous and tax-efficient might feel daunting at first. Thankfully, there are a few strategies that, if implemented correctly, can provide relief to an unnecessary tax bill. Backdoor Roth IRA If you are a high earner with an income above the IRS’s income limit for Roth IRAs, you still have […]
One of the biggest challenges of planning for retirement is figuring out how much you can spend during your golden years. Retirement income planning requires careful preparation, budgeting, and monitoring. A popular retirement income planning guideline is the 4% rule, which suggests that you live off 4% of your total investments during the first year […]
Do you have your estate plan in order? The estate planning process can seem overwhelming. However, the importance of proper estate planning shouldn’t be understated, as it can be a lasting gift for your loved ones after your passing. The discomfort in talking about plans after death or incapacitation may cause certain myths and […]
Classic investments, like stocks, are not the only investments taxed by capital gains. Capital gains taxes can apply to any other property that acquires value over time. These taxes are calculated by subtracting the cost of the investment from the final selling price of said investment. This final amount is reported as capital gains. But, […]