Author Archives: Tim Bauer

What does the Bible Say About Money? Paul’s Instruction to Timothy

It’s no doubt I’ve had many people offer “Biblical” instruction to me over my lifetime. When you have the name Timothy like me, you’re just begging for those who have “been there done that” to come and offer their free advice, whether I’ve asked for it or not.   Regardless of the not-so-helpful advice I’ve been […]

Tax Efficient Investing: Maximizing Returns while Limiting Liabilities  

“It’s not what you make, it’s what you keep.” This quote rings true regardless if you’re talking about income, saving, or investing. There is no shortage of places where our income can turn into an outflow. One of the most well-known outflows we encounter this time of year comes in the form of taxes. Let’s […]

Decoding Financial Jargon: What Investments Should You Be Making?

If you’re anything like me and my family, the end of summer marked a stark transition back to reality as my kids went back to school. While the added structure and schedule are a welcome change after the summer craziness, we were flooded with a multitude of demands coming at us: Sports schedules, after-school activities, […]