Author Archives: Tim Bauer

5 Financial Truths about Election Years

It’s an election year! Who’s excited?  … Don’t worry, I’m not exactly “excited” for an election year either. I am, however, thankful for a country that allows citizens to express their opinions, regardless of how “broken” of a system it may be. There are definitely some not-so-good alternatives.  Okay, moving on.  Since we’re here to […]

Open Enrollment Began November 1st. Consider These 4 Tips for Choosing a Health Insurance Plan

Open enrollment (the annual period when you can enroll in major medical health insurance plans), began November 1, 2023, and will remain open until January 15, 2024. You will need to enroll by December 15, 2023 for coverage that begins January 1, 2024.1 For someone looking to change or add coverage, this offers a short window […]